Friday, September 6th, 2013
If you support our objectives and would like to help our work,
please print and complete this form and return it to
Cats’ Aid, P.O Box 2874, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4.
Phone No. (01) 275 1665
Name: (Please Print) ___________________________________________________________________________________
Telephone: ___________________ Email:_________________________
I enclose a Donation of € _________(Amt in words)___________________________________
(Suggested minimum €15.00. Pensioners/unwaged/junior supporters €6.00).
I wish to set up a monthly Standing Order:
To: ______________________________________________________(Name of your Bank)
____________________________________________________________(Address of your Bank)
Account No: ______________________________________ Bank SortCode_______________________________________
Please pay to Bank of Ireland, University Branch, Montrose, Dublin 4 (NSC 90-13-51) for the account of Cats’ Aid, Account No. 42802722, the sum of € _____ (Amt in words )______________
On (date) __________ and on the same date each month until further notice.
Signed Date