Outreach Cats

The cats on this page are not in the care of Cats’ Aid; they haven’t been vetted by us and we cannot accept responsibility for the information given or for the cats. We are facilitating their owners by advertising their cats. If you are interested in adopting one of these cats, please do not phone Cats’ Aid; call the numbers given to speak directly to the owners of the cats. If a homing does not work out Cats' Aid cannot take the cat.

Meet Lizzy!

Meet Lizzy!


Lizzy is approximately 14 years old. She is a friendly small cat with the loudest purr possible! Unfortunately for Lizzy, her beloved owner, died recently and she […]

Meet Durval!

Meet Durval!


Durval is 12 years old black cat. He is microchipped, neutered and vaccinated and in good health. Unfortunately, his owner is no longer able to provide the […]

Meet Ali!

Meet Ali!


Ali is an old cat (15) whose owner recently passed away. He is a calm cat in his old age, likes to keep to himself, friendly with […]

Meet Grayson & Millie!

Meet Grayson & Millie!


Grayson and Millie are a brother and sister whose mother is a pure-bred Devon Rex crossed with, we think, a Russian Blue. Grayson, male and coloured grey […]

Meet Ben!

Meet Ben!


Ben, is a 4 year old male. Due to moving abroad for a year and plans falling through, Ben’s owner urgently needs to rehome Ben. He is […]

Meet Skye & Summer!

Meet Skye & Summer!


Skye (Male Ginger) and Summer (Female Tabby) are siblings from the same litter. Their owners are looking to have them rehomed as they are relocating abroad. They’d […]

Meet Rua & Dubh!

Meet Rua & Dubh!


Rua and Dubh need a new home through no fault of their own. Dubh is a lap cat. He loves to cuddle and kneed and curl up […]

Meet Loki & Goose!

Meet Loki & Goose!


This gorgeous pair are looking for a new home through no fault of their own. Goose (pictured below) is a ginger cat aged four and Loki (pictured […]

Meet Mufasa!

Meet Mufasa!


Mufasa is a beautiful four-year year old long-haired male Maine Coon mix.    He has been diagnosed with FIV and needs to be indoor only. He is very friendly, loves all […]