Indoor Only Home Applicants Please
Hi, I’m Skylar. I am a very good looking middle aged female looking for a loving home. I was rescued by Cat’s Aid from a difficult situation and was very nervous at first but thankfully have settled well into my foster home.
I would appreciate someone who has experience with cats and no children or any other pets. I have my spicy moments sometimes and would love someone who knows how to read my cues. I like to cuddle with humans in short spurts and love to purr in your face. I enjoy toys, treats, and cardboard boxes.
I am neutered, vaccinated and all my vaccines are up to date.
If you feel that you are the right home for me please get in touch with Cats Aid today via an email to
Button came into our direct care as a result of a personal connection and was an emergency case as can be seen in this photo on day 1. He was almost blind, starving, half the weight he should have been and mother could not care for him as he did not keep up as she moved from garden to garden scrounging food. He was lying there dying in the baking sun.
Rua the ginger, is his handsome gentle brother and was perfect and double the weight of Button. When this rescuer saw him, she was not leaving without Rua as he could have ended up the same and Button needed him.
It took many months of treatment and care to bring Button on & Rua was by his side as soon as he was clear of infection and gaining weight. Button is still a little shy due to having eye medication frequently, but that is all finished now & life is all about fun.
The boys are totally bonded and full of fun and play constantly and even if separated by a door are looking for each other. They zoom about the house like crazy enjoying being young and carefree. Strangely enough, Button is the one who loves to groom Rua whether he likes it or not.
Rua has an endearing habit of getting food on his nose and doesn’t notice for ages and it dries. Button washes it for him with the help of a little butter.
The home best suited for them both together is probably a mature couple or single person preferably home a lot. But, they have no experience of children or dogs.
They are all vaccinated, chipped, and neutered and their bags are packed. They are just 9 months old.
Please call message minder to leave your details: 087 148 3032 & we will get back to you.
These gorgeous brothers are cousins of the Toy Story Boys and were born in a shed belonging to an old man who has since passed away. They were rescued as tiny babies suffering with flu and infected eyes. With Cats Aid help they were given loving care and are all perfect now. Their mother & sister are in foster care too.
They are very playful and adore each other. They have great personalities and are used to being around older children, ie 8-12 years. They have seen dogs but only at a distance, so a dog free house would be ideal.
If you think you can give these gorgeous boys a home please contact us.
They are fully vaccinated, chipped, and neutered and their bags are packed. They are going on 9 months old.
Please call message minder to leave your details: 087 148 3032 & we will get back to you.
This is Buddy when he was rescued in Oct. He was in a potentially dangerous situation, so Sandra, one of our team, had to move quickly. When she arrived she found that there was another kitten, that she trapped, and their mother also went into the trap. Mom was spayed and returned 3 days later. Buddy was near death when he came in and he was brought to Raheny Vets who warned that he might not make it. They gave him medication. Sandra nursed him for three weeks with antibiotics, decongestants and even a nebuliser.
And here is Buddy now, completely recovered and happy with his brother Billy in his new home. So, a triple win, instead of a single one.
Albert came in to us in Oct. in very poor condition. He had a lice infestation, he was anaemic, had an upset tummy and needed fluids and ongoing medical and dental care. We appealed for funds for Albert’s treatment and many of you responded very generously—thank you.
Trap, Neuter, Return is central to Cats’ Aid’s work. We are often asked to help with colonies of feral cats and with strays in peoples’ gardens. The photo above shows just one example.
One of our vets gave our contact details to a girl who needed help with 8 cats. She was willing to pay for neutering, which is very rare—so many people expect rescue groups to pay for everything. Neutering this number of cats costs approx. €600, which is why we appreciate donations. We also appreciate an Ex Gratia payment from the Dept. of Agriculture, Food and the Marine for our TNR programme.
This particular case involved 12 visits with traps, (early morning and late evening) and driving to and from the vets before all the cats were neutered and vet-checked. The cats have been returned to their base. They will be monitored and fed by an elderly lady who is willing to do this in spite of needing lifts to the location.
8 cats now secure –this shows what can be done when people are willing to help.
Another amusing update from Ann about her cats (and lizard and humans)
It’s a while since I shared the kitties’ adventures…
Throughout the warm Summer Lottie had a great time exploring the area, every road on our estate knows her, and every open back door was entered with her nosing around and getting the feel of the home. Thankfully she came home each evening; I would have felt very hurt if she didn’t. She has a wanderlust and demands to be let out each morning We have developed a sneaky trap to keep her in when she ventures home. If she sees us she gives us the run around and puts that bushy tail into the air and runs away, so her Daddy, Fred, cut one of my coasters in two, and we lodge it in the cat flap so she can enter but not leave. Sneaky I know, but at least I am more comfortable knowing she can find safety when I am not around.
Our Granddaughter is now walking, or should I say running, around and both the little ladies take a look and move to safer ground where the tails are safe. I think she has plans for Lottie’s tail, Minion’s one is a bit lacking in size and width, but even that one is kept clear of little hands. Catherine is not afraid of them at all, but I would not like to risk a paw or claw being used to defend so the distance is a great idea on behalf of the kitties.
(We endorse and emphasise the vital importance of careful supervision of children with animals.—ED.)
Minion is still a stay at home girl; she has stopped going up the wall and is very content to sit out and enjoy watching me work in the garden. At the moment both ladies are fascinated by the new bulbs being planted. Fred planted a load in the beds last week, the two ladies watched and the moment his back was turned they dug them up and played a type of snooker with them… I thought it was funny, but Daddy was annoyed and had to bury them again. They both found nice shady areas to cool down before they planned their next moves. Lottie was very naughty and brought in a lot of poor deceased birds. Much as I like a gift, I was not very pleased with this form, I have a bird cemetery now in the flower bed covered with rocks; they only tried to dig up the poor souls so I had to make sure there were tomb stones over each little grave.
As usual, my stairs were used as back scratchers for the resident ladies, I spent most of my time cleaning them, the next day it would be covered with hair again!! The beds are the favourite place these evenings, nice and warm and I have to be careful as Lottie is very fond of my patchwork quilt and is known to tunnel in under it and was nearly sat on a few times as she seems to be able to flatten herself out. Only we know she can be there I think she might be permanently flattened otherwise. She was amazed at Blondie, the lizard last week as she was shedding her skin, there was a perfect lizard shape left and she was wondering where the other one had come from. She still watches the little wind dance and nearly managed to make an entry into the tank; the sliding door was open a bit and I caught her slipping her paw in to try to open it more. I hate to think what she would have done if she had managed it but maybe Blondie would be cute enough to hide behind the stones or something. They still have staring competitions with Blondie nearly always winning when she sticks her tongue out at her… the odd time she turns away as if bored with it all and shows her tail to Lottie which seems to amuse her.
Take care, and love to all the little kitties in your care, Ann
Noodles was born to a beautiful all black cat who had been living outside, heavily pregnant, just before the big snow last March. The kind woman who found her got her to Cats’ Aid.
As Noodles was the only tabby in the litter of five beautiful kittens he stood out a mile. He was always a little character; he was the last of the litter to get a forever home but as he loved his mammy that suited him down to the ground. He and all his siblings were a dream litter to look after and they all matured into lovely placid kittens that adored all human interaction. The entire litter were very sociable, helped without a doubt by my neighbours and their small children who used to drop by to play with them regularly.
We were absolutely delighted that he landed on his four paws in a super home with Suzie and Fiadh and their cat, Funny.
Fiadh, (aged 8,) takes up the story.
My kitten is called Noodles and he is almost 8 months old. He is a tabby. In June we got him from a lady called Sue from Cats’ Aid. He likes to play a lot and is a bit crazy. He always steals my Lego pieces and takes my dolls’ clothes. Sometimes he tries to help me do my homework. He is best friends with our other cat Funny who is 8 years old and a Lilac Point Siamese, who is also a rescue cat.
In October I took Noodles to the SABCCI and GCCFI cat show in Knocklyon. He hissed a lot at the judges because he was a little scared but still managed to win lots of prizes – 8 rosettes in all! At the show I was able to see lots of different breeds of cats and buy some cat toys for Noodles and Funny. Noodles was very tired when I brought him home but he was happy to have a big sleep with Funny.
I hope Noodles will live a long and happy life with me because he makes me smile every day!
Lost since Friday 29th June. Our female short haired cat is missing in the Blanchardstown village/ lower Clonsilla Road area. She is white/brown/black. She was wearing a black collar and pink bell when she left. She has been neutered and is microchipped.
My contact details are 086 3026712
This is the stunning Anya who is Jackies sister. She is the prettiest little girl and full of fun, mischief and love to give to her new family. She would really like to go with Jackie whom she is currently in foster care with. Jackie is also up for adoption and you can view her profile here , but if not possible she will still love you to bits.
If you would love to adopt Anya (and or Jackie) please call Cats Aid on 016683529 and leave a message.
Cats’ Aid rescued a pretty tortoiseshell kitten from a dangerous situation in an industrial estate last autumn. She was living rough with her Mom and three siblings. We called her Button. At first she was shy, but she adapted to her foster home and we advertised her for homing. She went to live with Grace and settled in well.
Fast-forward to April, 2017 and the Supreme Cat Show in Ballinteer. Grace entered Button (now called Ruby Button) in the non-pedigree section and … well, we will let Button take up the story:
Wait till you hear what I was doing yesterday !! *takes a deep breath* … I was in my very first CAT SHOW !! … AND I was FIRST in my Breed Class and BEST in my Group!
Mama didn’t tell people about it ‘cos she was afraid it would be a CATastrophe… imagine that !! She was scared that I’d try to escape from the Judges but I was a really good girl for them – and I know my brofur Angel Simba was there helping me, ‘cos he was a champion.
Here’s what the judge wrote about me: –
Coat Colour and Texture: Very plush fur, bright, white long whiskers, perfect tortoiseshell patches with white bib. General condition and temperament: Lovely condition, two-tone eyes.
General Remarks: Very gentle, unusual asym- metrical face pattern, relaxed being held, very sweet.
Congratulations from Cats’ Aid, Ruby Button. Yours is a wonderful story and we wish you and Grace many happy years together. It’s the ongoing generosity of you, our supporters, that enables us to help cats like Ruby Button have happy endings. Thank you.