
Cats Aid is a voluntary non-profit making animal welfare organisation and it is a constant struggle to raise funds to cover the high costs of medical care, boarding, neutering and vaccinating. We would be delighted to receive your donation (as a once off or monthly) of any amount small or large to help us continue our vital work.

Suggested donation amounts are as follows –

15 euros  would help towards purchasing food for a new born kitten.
20 euros would enable us to purchase a new bed for an abandoned cat.
60 euros would feed a cat or kitten for almost a month.

80 euros would go towards the purchase of a decent cat tree. (Our current ones are always in need of an upgrade as we feel that they are essential for our indoor cats plus they need to be replaced every few months due to wear and tear)

100 to 500 euros would help towards the cost of medication and surgery for our sick cats. An array of recent surgeries include costly procedures such as dentals, blood tests, x-rays, ultrasounds for injured and sick cats, diabetes treatment and heart issues.

We also welcome donations of cat food. Please email us  and we will try to arrange collection. Please send us a list and photograph of what you would like to donate to  Let us know if you can deliver to a volunteer nearby or if you would prefer it to be collected.

Suggested adoption donation fee for a fully vaccinated, neutered, micro-chipped and flea and worm treatment is 140 euros

Similarly the adoption donation fee for kittens that are fully vaccinated, including wormed and flea treatment is 70 euros ie not yet neutered or micro-chipped.

Online Donation

Please use the secure link below to donate online, using your Debit/Credit Card or PayPal account. Please use the option “Friends & Family” to avoid Cats Aid having to pay a fee as we are not a business. Please also state what the donation is for, eg Adoption of ….. Sponsorship of….  etc.

Please note that when making a once off or monthly donation via Paypal, a credit card can be used and no Paypal account is necessary. 


We also have the option for donations straight to bank if preferred.
Account Name: Cats Aid
A/C No: 42802722
Sort Code: 90-13-51
IBAN No: IE79BOFI90138642802722
Bank of Ireland, University Branch, Montrose, Dublin 4
Please note that because of the banks blending of branches some years ago, the IBAN Sort Code number is slightly different to the Sort Code for Montrose alone. Please use the IBAN if making online donations.
Don’t forget the text donate option too please  to give a little as it all adds up. 
Text LOVE to 50300 to donate €4.00.
Text costs €4.00. Cats Aid will receive a minimum of €3.40
Service provider: Fundraising Solutions Helpline: 01 2022810

Postal Donation

If you can not or do not wish to donate online, we would be delighted to receive your postal donation to help us continue our work.
Please send your donation to the address below, and don’t forget to include your name and address if you would like a receipt.
Please don’t send cash in the post.

Cats Aid
P.O. Box 2874
Dublin 18


You can download our Bequest Form, print, and complete your details, should you chose to remember Cats Aid in your will.

Tax Relief

Under Section 45 of the Finance Act, since April 2001 donations in one year to eligible charities, which total €250 or more are eligible for tax relief.

For a PAYE taxpayer or a self-assessed tax payer Cats Aid can claim back the tax that you have paid on your donation.
For example if you are on the 20% standard rate of tax and make a donation of €250, the value of your donation to Cats Aid is €312.50. The same €250 donation by someone in the higher 40% tax bracket is worth €416.06.

All you need to do is supply us with your PPS Number and tell us if you are on higher or lower tax band. We will send you the relevant form to sign.  

Company Donations

Under the 2001 Finance Act, a corporate tax relief scheme is in place for companies that make donations to eligible charities.
A company donation greater than €250, with no upper limit, to Cats Aid can qualify for tax relief at the current rate of corporation tax.
The company will claim a deduction for the donation as if it were a trading expense