Lost and Found Cats

Please take a moment to read the following notices, your help in tracing any of these lost or found cats is very much appreciated. If you have lost or found a cat & would like to include your notice here,* please email us at catsaid@gmail.com

Cleo is Missing from Citywest Ave since 12th Aug


Cleo is a 3 year old female lost in Citywest Avenue area. She is microchipped. Must loved family pet.

If you find her, please call 086 8287346 or 087 9819232.

Black Cat Found in Bray during Lockdown!


Female cat found on the Killarney Road area of Bray, Co. Wicklow during lockdown.
Contact No. : 087 055 9701

Friendly Cat Found, Finglas, 28th Aug.


Lovely tame cat, quite young.
Found in Prospect Hill apartments in Finglas, Dublin 11
Friday morning 28th August.
Contact 087-2235187 if this is your cat or you know who owns her.

Tortie Found in Lusk, Sep 2020


Do you know or recognize this cat found in the Lusk area of North County Dublin? If so please get in touch with Cats Aid ASAP.

Young Tortie Missing from Oakpark Road in Tralee since 23rd Aug


Young adult female tortoiseshell cat strayed from Oakpark Road, Tralee, Co. Kerry on Sunday 23/8/2020. Four white legs and bushy tail. Usually quite friendly but could be scared and panicked. Her name is Gen.

Please contact me on 087 2171228, if you see a cat in and around the Oakpark Area matching her description, I have no photo of her. 

Ivo Is Missing from Norseman Court, Dublin for Two Weeks – Aug 20


It’s exactly 2 weeks since Ivo disappeared from the Norseman Court/Place area. We’ve seen posts about owners being reunited with their beloved cats even after as long as 18 days so we’re trying to stay positive and hopeful. Please keep an eye out and check your back gardens, flowers pots, sheds etc.

Ivo could be hiding somewhere especially with the current weather conditions. He is all black, no other marks, could be skinny now and is missing his 4 big teeth so if you lure him in with food you’ll be able to notice while he’s eating.

We’ll be so grateful for messages or calls on 0877824326 if you think you may have seen Ivo. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Missing Female Maine Coon


Maine Coon (cat) called Dante
Black with white patches on the belly and butt cheek
1 year and 4 months old
She is neutered

Missing from Temple Place, Grenville Street, Dublin 1
Missing since 22/8 (Saturday night)
My contact number is 0838425551

Luna Is Missing from Ballyfermot Since Aug 4th


Our car Luna went missing on the 4th of August from Kylemore Road Ballyfermot. She is neutered and microchipped and was wearing a striped collar. She is grey and tan with a two tone face. Her paws and belly are white.

If anyone spots her please let us know on 085 2730 712

Female Cat Missing from Lucan Since Aug 16th (found)


My two year old neutered female cat Stormi went missing last Sunday from Beech Grove in Lucan.

She is white cat with black spot on her back and long black tail. She has a old cut beside her eye which has healed but the fur is still growing back, she is normally a friendly cat but she may be bit angry and scared. She also looks small for her age.

She normal does wear a collar which we take off when she comes in at night but the morning she left the house she left without her collar.

Please contact me if you see her, my mobile number is 087 270 3576.

Black Female Cat Missing from Lucan Since July 12th


Lost cat: A fully grown, neutered, female Bombay. Usually quite friendly but could be scared and panicked. She could be intrigued by offered food. Her name is (Russian) “Уголёк” and may respond to that call. 

Lost in: County Dublin. Ran away in Foxborough, Lucan while I was visiting a friend. Could be making her way back to Balbriggan (actual home). 

Description of cat: All black with a white oval underneath her neck with big green eyes. Has a cut left ear, a sign of her being neutered. 

Weight: 5-6kg. 

Last seen: 12th of July.

If you see her please contact: me on either of the numbers below

Phone number0873309509 or 0877022815

Reward given if found, please help me find my cat! 

Chester Is Missing From Tallaght Since Aug 4th


Chester has been missing since Tuesday 4/08/2020. He is 2yrs old….called Chester. He was wearing a blue collar. He is used to going outside but never goes away far or for long. Please see all the details below –

Soju is missing from Drimnagh Since Aug 1st


Soju has been missing since the 1st August. She’s a fluffy tabby with a white bib and tummy and white paws. She’s sweet natured and affectionate and has been micro-chipped.

Soju was wearing a blue collar when I last saw her (although she may have lost that). I’m in Galtymore Park, in Drimnagh and she usually stays within a few gardens of my house, so it’s really not like her to be gone for a couple of nights.

Please call me on 087 439 1927 if you find her/spot her. 

Orion is missing from Raheny! Sadly found deceased.


I  was hoping that you could help advertise my missing cat. His name is Orion like the constellation. He is almost 2years old, neutered and micro chipped Male, he went missing from Ennafort Road, Raheny around Wednesday 22nd of July. He is practically mute, with a very faint cry he rarely uses his voice. He is generally very skittish of strangers and loud noises, He hates the rain and I suspect that he is trapped in someone’s shed or garage its happened before as hes an extremely curious cat.
Telephone number 0857172510. 

Catty is missing from Friarstown,Grange,Co.Limerick


Can you help my family find our much loved missing cat.She is missing from Friarstown, Grange, Co. Limerick, since 17/07/2020, just after. 2:30.
She is sadly missed by my family and I.She is a loving cat, but weary of strangers.
Please can you help us find her.Contact number 0863781431 

Black & White Female Cat Found in Bray, July 22nd


I found a cat on the side of the road in Bray, Wicklow. She was hit by a car and brought her to the emergency vets She is home with me now and is all okay. She is not micro chipped and has no collar. She is black and white . She is super friendly and looking for her owners .
My phone number is 087 754 7885

Sir Pounce The Tabby Is Missing from Killiney Since Thursday 9th July


He’s a 6 year old brown and black tabby, neutered and chipped. Missing from Killiney since Thursday 9th July. He’s a bit of a rambler and can go for days at a time but he’s never been gone this long before so starting to get quite worried about him
My phone number is 085 728 6900 if you get any word at all.

Leni Is Missing Since July 12th from Manor Grove Green in Dublin(**Home Safely**)


Leni hasn’t come home since Sunday 12/July.

She’s a thin tri-color cat, with muted orange and black.

2 years old, friendly, playful and independent.

She is spayed and micro-chipped

Last seen in the Manor Grove green near the bridge.

Black Kitten Missing from Applewood, Swords since July 14th


My cat is missing since the morning of 14th July 2020. It is a 10 week old full black kitty, with a little white spot under his chin. He went missing from
Applewood area in Swords, Co.Dublin. He is very friendly.

The contact number is 085 8267 062.

Daisy Is Missing from Clogher Road/Sundrive Park Since Friday July 10th


My one year old female tabby Daisy Lacey has been missing from the Clogher Road/ Sundrive Park area since Friday 10th July. She doesn’t wear a collar but is microchipped. She’s nervous and shy of people. 

Please phone 086 3711 590

Hairby Is Missing From Ballyfermot Since July 6th


Hairby is a male cat. He has been missing since Monday evening, 6th July, from Lower Ballyfermot, Dublin 10. 

below). His left eye is grey and clouded over from a previous injury. He is 14 years old. Neutered, but not chipped and no collar.

You can contact me at 085 1493970 if you see him. 

Male White Cat Missing from Palmerstown Since July 4th


A one year old cat, chipped and neutered is missing. His name is Kitkat. He’s very friendly and this is unusual for him to wander off.

He’s from Manor Road Palmerstown D.20.

The contact number for any sightings is 083 0024 307 

Kiki Is Missing From Clontarf Road Since June 28th


This is Kiki, she’s a one year old female who is not micro-chipped and is quite shy and nervous. She is a much loved family pet and has a white collar and tag on her.

She is an indoor cat that escaped last night June 27th from the Clontarf Road area, near Manresa.

If you have any info please call 087 9582347/ 01 5378728

Black Male Cat Found In June in Balrothery Estate Tallaght June 20th


Male cat found in Balrothery  Estate Tallaght  Contact number 085 749 1293.

Found Tri-Coloured Cat Near Cabinteely on 20th June


Cat found near Brennanstown Stud, Cabinteely on 20/06/20.
She is a friendly, neutered, five year old. Not chipped.
Please contact Ark Vet, Foxrock (01 2895335).

Kuma Is Missing From Clarehall Estate Since June 19th


This is Kuma, she’s a one year old female who is micro-chipped and neutered and is quite shy and nervous.

She is an indoor cat that escaped last night June 19th in the Clarehall estate area, Dublin 13.

If you have any info please call 085 1617742/ 086 1054626

Sylvester Is Missing Since June 19th from Clonsilla


Our cat Sylvester is missing since Friday evening, 19th June 2020 from Lohunda Grove, Clonsilla.

He is a black and white cat with white moustache, black goatee and white socks on all his paws.

He is micro-chipped but doesn’t wear a collar. He needs his daily medication.

If you have seen him, please contact 089 424 9443 or 087 127 2773.

Female Tabby Missing from Dun Laoghaire Since Saturday June 6th


A six year old much loved female tabby missing from Dun Laoghaire since Saturday 6th June. She is spayed and micro chipped.

Distinctive Features Include:

  • She is not wearing a collar
  • Spotted back and belly – stripes only on legs/tail/face
  • White chin – no white anywhere else
  • Green eyes
  • Very friendly and affectionate

If you think you have seen her please call or text: 085 762 4643 

Mikki Is Missing from Deansgrange Area since June 10th


Small female black cat with white on chest missing Deansgrange Area.

Aged about 6 years old.

Phone Number: 085 801 9592

Tinker (aged 16) is Missing from Bohernabreena, D.24 since June 8th


Our lovely cat is missing since June 8th from Bohernabreena, Dublin 24.

His name is tinker, he is 16, grey and white, and has a missing ear (surgically removed due to skin cancer).

If you see him please contact me on 087 1511 407

Bagpuss Is Missing From Cabra West Since June 3rd


Bagpuss is missing from Cabra West Dublin 7 since 3rd of June. She is chipped but not collared. She is a Short Haired Exotic and very friendly and vocal. She has a very distinctive flat face and brown eyes.

She has never been gone for more than two hours before and we are heartbroken without her.

Please contact me if you see her on 083 3720 917

Baloo Is Missing from Bray since 28th May (Home Safe)


Our cat Baloo went missing from Bray Co.Wicklow on Thursday evening, last seen around 5pm. She has a very distinctive white triangle on her nose. She’s a big pet and very friendly, and it’s unlike her to wander.

She’s microchipped and spayed and 2 years old. She’s also a big fan of vans so we’re afraid in case she hopped in one, so she could be anywhere.

Please contact me on 086 8777 698

Siamese Missing from Bray since Friday 29th May


Ollie our beloved Siamese type, neutered male and micro-chipped cat has been missing since Friday 29th May. 

Please contact me if anyone has seen him – 086 1730364.

Ginkgo Is Missing from Drimnagh since May 15th


My cat Ginkgo has been missing since the 15th of May from the Drimnagh area of Dublin, which is very new to her.

She is a ginger and white female cat, spayed, around 7 years old, she is chipped but does not wear a collar.

My number is 0868951858

Missing from Crookstown, Co. Kildare since May 16th


My cat is missing since 16th May from Crookstown area, Co Kildare.  He’s roughly 1 years old, Male, neutered, left ear tipped but not microchipped.

He’s really friendly but very timid and will bolt if approached too quickly.

His name is Ronaldo but also answers to Little Man or Little Pal.

Please call 0838360389 or 0851305406 if you see him.

Kitten Found Enfield at the end of May 20


Kitten found in Ballinderrin, Enfield, Co.Meath. 

Playful kitten meowing constantly for its family.

If you know anything please email catsaid@gmail.com

MaineCoon Missing from Naas Since May 20th


Missing, spooked in the Monread area of Naas Co Kildare since May 20th. please check your backgarden.

Large fluffy grey tabby mainecoon. Spayed. chipped.

Please text or call 087 6874764 if you spot her or have an information.

Large Grey Tabby – Big Bushy Tail Chipped – Got Spooked 20/5
Gleann na Riogh – Monread area
Call 0876874764

Cat Missing from Balgriffin Since May 10th


My cat went missing on May 10th from Parkside Balgriffin area. If anyone sees him I can be reached on 089 611 9194. He’s a small cat and he wasnt wearing a collar.

Teddy Is Missing from Ballycullen, D.24 since May 6th


Our little black cat Teddy hasn’t been since Wednesday 6th May in Ballycullen D24.

He’s only 9 months old and was wearing a blue and white tartan collar with his name and my telephone number written on the inside of it.

If you see Teddy please contact me on 087 9979 188

Female Tabby Missing from Palmerstown, Dublin, since May 17th


My cat has been missing since the 17/5/20 from Palmerstown, Dublin.
She is a tabby female cat. She is 1 year old. She is neutered and microchipped with no collar.
She could possibly be lost around Palmerstown/Ballyfermot/Lucan. 
She went missing in the evening and never came home with her brother. This is very unlike her because she is never gone for long and always comes home every single night. We are extremely worried. 
If anyone thinks they have seen/found her please try to take a picture if possible and call/text me – 0858350358 / 0861046904